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1. Full name:
2. Email:
3. Phone number:
4. Address:
5. Have you used freeplus products before?
1. Email:
*Please use the same email during registration
2. What is your skin type?
Share your thoughts on freeplus Conditioning Double Lotion:
1. It makes my skin stronger and better (i.e. less dryness, redness, inflammation and sensitivity).
2. It gives me radiant skin.
3. My skin feels moisturised with long-lasting hydration.
4. It doesn't feel greasy on the skin.
5. It makes my skin's water-oil ratio feel balanced.
6. I feel it's gentle enough for my skin, yet effective for all skin types.
(Note: Please answer based on your own skin type.)
7. What is the main factor affecting my decision to purchase skincare?
8. How did I come across freeplus?
9. Write a detailed review (feelings, initial & afterthoughts, etc.).